
22-02-2025 Vol 19

What Is An SSL Certificate, and Why Do You Need One?

What Is An SSL Certificate, and Why Do You Need One?

Security is a non-negotiable web hosting factor that influences customer retention and loyalty but also helps boost search engine rankings. 

And an SSL Certificate or an SSL Comodo Certificate is one of the most crucial security aspects of website hosting—whose presence helps ensure customer satisfaction, and its absence drives customers away. 

If you ever come across websites that read the label “not secure” or the popup prompts on the screen saying, “This website might not be secure,” it means the website isn’t secured with an SSL Certificate. 

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into understanding SSL Security and its importance for your business’s online success. 

What is an SSL Certificate?

A Secure Sockets Layer or SSL Certificate is a digital certificate that verifies and authenticates the website’s identity and enables a secure encrypted connection between a web server and a browser. 

Companies and commercial organizations need to add SSL Certificates to their business websites to secure online transactions and protect customers’ sensitive data and information. 

For instance, if you own an eCommerce website and ask people to enter confidential information, like credit card numbers, an SSL Certificate ensures encryption of that data when it transmits to and from your website. 

Thus, an SSL Certificate helps secure information like: 

  • Login credentials
  • Medical records
  • Legal contracts and documents
  • Bank account information or credit card transactions
  • Proprietary information
  • Personally identifiable data, like full name, date of birth, address, and mobile number 

Moreover, depending on the validation levels, the six main types of SSL Certificates are 

  • Extended Validation Certificates (EV SSL) 
  • Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
  • Organization Validated Certificates (OV SSL) 
  • Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (MDC)
  • Wildcard SSL Certificates
  • Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) 

With that, let’s look at the importance of SSL Certificates for your website protection. 

Top Benefits of SSL Certificates: Why You Need It

If you’re wondering whether “Do I need an SSL Certificate for my website?” the trust is, irrespective of whether you sell products, every website needs an SSL Certificate to build online trust. 

Here are the top benefits of SSL Certificates for your website. 

1. Protects sensitive information 

Without data encryption, the computer can easily read the data sent between the web server and the browser, including passwords, usernames, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information. 

An SSL Certificate protects this information with encryption to ensure it isn’t readable until the data reaches the server it is intended for. Thus, it helps ensure that no one can intercept the data in transit. 

2. Boosts search engine ranking 

One of Google’s important search engine ranking factors is the HTTPS secure protocol for websites. 

The HTTP URL protocol indicates that the website is not secure—driving customers away and making them hesitant to enter their sensitive information. 

An SSL Certificate provides the secure HTTPS or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure protocol to your website’ URL, allowing Google to identify your website’s security and making it rank higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

3. Builds a credible business reputation and improves customer trust 

The secure HTTPS protocol and the padlock icon that appears before your website URL help users ensure your site’s security—providing them with the peace of mind to enter their credentials and information with no risk. 

An SSL protection ensures that warnings like “Not Secure” doesn’t appear on your website, reducing abandonment rates and improving customer trust, loyalty, and retention. 

4. Helps satisfy PCI/DSS regulations and requirements 

Your website must be PCI-compliant if you enable transactions and accept customer payments. 

An SSL protection allows your website to meet the Payment Card Industry or PCI compliance standards, avoiding legal issues. 


Protecting customer information is crucial to maintain your business reputation and satisfying customer trust. An SSL Certificate for your website encrypts the online data in transit and boosts your website’s SEO performance—ensuring it ranks at a higher SERP position. 

So, if you haven’t considered it yet, search for a reliable web hosting company and buy an SSL Comodo Certificate to ensure maximum website security and data protection.

Cody E. Sowell